Monday, April 18, 2011

Slice of Life #48: Coming Home

Thank you for the entries last week!

We had a wide range of random photos,
so be sure not to miss out!

My husband was coming home yesterday after being gone a month, and after 10 days he leaves for another month. So it's a big deal to us. I remembered in the morning on the way to church to post the meme. When we got home, we started making posters saying, "Welcome home, Dad" as pictured above. We were baking cookies and brownies, laughing and sharing thoughts about my husband, and were so actively engaged in what we were doing I forgot all about the meme until my mother emailed me this morning asking where it was.


So in honor of my error, let's write about homecomings. Some are happy. Like when you're at the airport and you see some young adult being engulfed by bear hugs and weeping mothers. Some are not so happy, like caskets being flown back to hometowns. Sometimes they're quiet, such as two lovers getting back together after being separated for a time. And they can be loud, with a huge party full of friends and frolic. We've all been on one side of the stick or the other - either coming back or welcoming someone else. It's a part of life. We'd love you to share a little piece of yours.

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