Saturday, July 24, 2010

Slice of Life #10: Friends

Before we start with our regular meme, I just wanted to share a find. I found some pretty pages to download and use with family history. Just in case anyone else is interested, CLICK HERE and enjoy! =)

Now for our regular order of business....

Who knew? They were fantastic!

Anyone else remember the Betsy Clark stuff?

This week, let's hear about a friend. New friends, old friends, best friends, friends gone wrong. We all have friends.... pick one and share a story about them. No fair choosing a family member - we'll get to them later. :D

For family history - I don't know about you, but our family tree is peppered with "adopted" family members - friends that have become family. It would be good to document these friendships so that somewhere down the line "Uncle Bob" doesn't get tied to the family tree by mistake. Although, I'm sure he wouldn't mind! ;)

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